



Sponsoring a Day of Learning is a wonderful way to honor the memory of a loved one (a yahrzeit); celebrate a family milestone; add merit for a refuah shelema; or acknowledge any other special occasion.  An email announcing the Day of Learning will be shared with the entire WDS Family to help commemorate the occasion, 并在中学的晚会上致谢.  学习日的赞助费为180美元.

威彻斯特走读学校很荣幸您的孙子孙女是我们的学生. 我们对他们有着永恒的爱和奉献——对他们的教育成长, and to their development into individuals with strong values and a commitment to 我是以色列人,我是以色列人, 以及他们周围的世界. 帮助我们继续在你生命的每一天充满 nachas. 加入威彻斯特走读学校祖父母圈,或者我们称之为 Nachas Circle. 

Laurie Lebowitz学会看基金
The Laurie Lebowitz学会看基金 is created in loving memory of Laurie Lebowitz, z"l,  热心的家长志愿者,2006 -2014年担任主席. Laurie believed in the power of incorporating art education into the classroom. Laurie's passion and commitment to the Learning to Look program brought enrichment to students and parents alike at 威彻斯特走读学校. We hope you will consider making a gift in memory of Laurie and the Learning to Look program.

Make 威彻斯特走读学校 part of your family’s life cycle events by dedicating a leaf or a branch on our Tree of Life. 纪念出生, bar/bat mitzvah, graduation, and marriage, anniversary, 亲人去世, 或者其他有意义的里程碑,刻上你的名字, the event and date on a leaf to be added to our Tree of Life housed inside the castle shul.

This program is a Holocaust education program developed by Tova Fish-Rosenberg and facilitated at WDS by Mrs. Jill Rivel. Every year, rather than solely learning about the Holocaust in a traditional classroom setting, the 名字,而不是数字 curriculum allows 8th graders to engage in a unique multidisciplinary learning experience that combines research, video production, 和一对一的采访,以保存历史的原始纪录片. 在整个项目中, 学生与专业记者一起工作, 大屠杀的学者, and filmmakers, and they have the unique (and fleeting) opportunity to learn about the Holocaust directly from those who experienced it, 这样就加强了个人和情感上的联系, 并为后代保存幸存者的故事.


庆祝一个里程碑,比如 Hanachat Tefillin 或者参加中学的成人礼 minyan! Sponsor a light breakfast post davening, which includes juice, muffins, fruit salad, and cookies.  民燕早餐的价格是136美元. 请在至少72小时前提交表格.


Ruach Lifnei Shabbat(或称“津津乐道”)是一份周报 Oneg Shabbat 我今年被介绍到中学. 它在午餐期间举行,有cholent, kugel,唱歌和Torah. While it is an optional program, we are excited to see so many of the students joining! Your sponsorship is truly impactful, helping to offset the cost of food and bring an extra layer of Heimish ruach -为我们的学生进入安息日设定正确的氛围. Suggested sponsorship is $100 in honor of your student's grade, or $300 for the entire Middle School.

晚餐、学习、跳舞——还有什么比这更能滋养我们的灵魂呢? 这里是米什玛中学. 我们每隔一周见一次, 我们也对家长们表示欢迎, grandparents, alumni siblings, 以及一些特别的客人每个月来参加一次家庭聚会.  Your sponsorship is truly impactful, helping to offset the cost of food and bring an extra layer of Heimish ruach to our week. 建议每周赞助360美元,家庭赞助500美元.

Faculty Breakfast
Sponsoring a Rosh Chodesh breakfast for the WDS faculty is a wonderful way to show hakarat hatov, 我们所有的教育工作者都非常感激她的培养和奉献. 

Shelley Lippman, 一位40多年来一直致力于WDS科学的老师是一位充满激情的老师, enthusiastic individual who made a lasting impression on the entire extended WDS community. Mrs. Lippman instilled a spark for curiosity and a love for science and innovation in all of her students for many generations. 她在白龙会留下的遗产通过科学项目得以延续. Your gift to the 谢莉·李普曼科学与创新基金 benefits the science lab, 持续的技术更新, 最重要的是STEM课程(科学), Technology, 工程及数学).
For decades, our school has been committed to ensuring that no student be denied a 威彻斯特走读学校 education for lack of resources by providing tuition assistance to all families in need. 一位慷慨的社区领袖提供了一对一的比赛, your impact doubles when you donate to the annual Shavuot奖学金活动. 你对孩子的影响是无法估量的. 

亚历山大·本杰明·艾斯曼图书馆基金 was established 25 years ago in memory of Robin and Jonathan Eiseman’s son, 亚历山大·本杰明, or Chanoch. In Hebrew, Chanoch的意思是“教育”,” an ideal that the Eiseman’s believe is vital to the continuity of the Jewish community. Over the years, 这笔资金已用于购买超过6件的一流收藏品,000 secular books, computers, software, 还有图书馆的家具. By supporting the 亚历山大·本杰明·艾斯曼图书馆基金 you will enable the library to continue to expand its Jewish and secular offerings in a manner befitting a first class 21st century, 现代学习环境. Please help us assure that the library remains the jewel that it has always been. 

Dr. Harlan Daman Fund
The Dr. 哈兰·达曼基金于10年前成立,以纪念哈兰·达曼博士. 哈伦·达曼,1955年从白龙会毕业. Harlan’s two brothers as well as his children, Gila (’99) and Avi (’01) are all alumni of the school. 哈兰一生致力于学习和支持他的社区. The Dr. 哈兰·达曼基金是为了纪念他的这些高尚行为而成立的.

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue

Who We Are

威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, co-educational, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, mitzvot, 终身学习.